How to Manage Weight With Ayurveda

How to Manage Weight With Ayurveda

Research suggests that many health conditions, such as diabetes and high cholesterol, could be avoided if people were more successful at managing their weight. According to Ayurvedic medicine, weight management is possible if you identify your dosha and then eat to balance your dosha.

Balance Vata


Minimize mental stress by engaging in regular transcendental meditation. Also, slow down. Vatas are known to be in a hurry, so slowing down is important to minimize excess stress.


Eat foods with liquids such as soups, pudding and warm cereal. Add olive oil or clarified butter, also known as ghee, to your foods.


Incorporate Vata tastes into your diet, including sweet, sour and salty food. Try cooking basmati with salt and oil or ghee.


Sit down to three meals a day. Vatas are frequently underweight; therefore, regular meals are essential.

Balance Pitta


Eat three meals a day to prevent the accumulation of stomach acid, which is more common in Pitta types.


Go to sleep before 10 p.m. since this is when the Pitta time of the night begins. Staying awake after 10 p.m. may aggravate Pitta, causing you to eat extra food.


Integrate sweet, bitter and astringent tastes into your diet. Foods with these tastes include breads, rice, fruits and lentils.


Cook with cooling spices such as fennel, mint and coriander. The cool spices slow the digestive fire.

Balance Kapha


Stimulate your digestive fire by adding spices to your foods. There are lots of spices that fire up Kapha such as black pepper, fresh ginger and turmeric.


Incorporate foods with bitter and astringent tastes such as broccoli, spinach, cauliflower and beans.


Ignite your body's metabolism by breathing deeply. Consider taking a yoga class to learn how to do pranayama, which is a specific form of relaxation breathing.


Eat your main meal at noon, when your digestive fire is strongest. This is especially important for Kaphas since their digestive fire is naturally weak.

Tips & Warnings

Don't eat heavy or thick desserts, which weigh down your intestines and further slow your digestion.

How to Manage Pain Without Drugs

How to Manage Pain Without Drugs

Managing pain without drugs seems impossible, but it really is not that hard to do. Many times when pain occurs, people run to their doctors for medicines to control the pain. That's fine for some pain, but other pain can easily be controlled without drugs.

Things You'll Need:


Common sense

Ice packs (optional)

Hot pack (optional)


Visit your doctor, and discuss what is causing the pain. Perhaps the pain can be controlled by using things other then pain medications. Managing pain without drugs is better for your body. Using common sense goes along way in medicine. If you have a broken arm, have it set. If you have pain, try some of these techniques to manage pain without drugs.


Learn all you can about acupressure, and the benefits it has on the body. Acupressure is great at relieving pain in some areas of the body. Different parts of your body have different points that refer to other parts of your body. By rubbing one of these, you can eliminate pain elsewhere. Rub the spot between your eyes right now, with your eyes closed, and you will begin to feel recharged. This is what acupressure does. There is a link for a great site to learn more in the resource section below.


Apply hot packs or ice packs to head aches instead of managing the pain with drugs. Most headache pain is caused by stress or environmental factors, and does not really need pain medicines. A hot pack such as a rice bag is excellent for the pain associated with migraines or tension headaches. There is a link for a great site to learn more in the resource section here.


Receive a full body massage, which relaxes you, and this will help to eliminate pain all over your body. When pain occurs in our arms or lower back from over use, it is our first instinct to rub those areas because we know massaging helps. When you receive a full body massage from a professional, who knows the right techniques, this eliminates pain from different areas of your body.


Relax by lying in a quiet room, and letting your mind focus on something other than the pain. This will greatly reduce your dependence on pain medicines. A person can simply listen to music, or try a guided meditation compact disc to begin managing pain without drugs. Guided mediation sessions help us to relax, and by relaxing, we have less stress. Pain with in our body feeds off stress. If we lower stress levels, we can manage pain without drugs. There is a link for a site to learn more in the resource section below.

How to Manage Pain With Biofeedback

How to Manage Pain With Biofeedback

Chronic pain can end up controlling your life. It can interfere with your ability to work and remain active in activities you enjoy. It is essential to find ways to manage your pain and find a way to "take a break" each day. There are many medications that can help to relieve your symptoms, and working with a physical or occupational therapist can help you learn techniques to manage your pain. It is also helpful to learn techniques that teach you to relax your muscles, since chronic muscle tension will just lead to more pain. Using biofeedback equipment can help you learn how to consciously relax and tighten muscles in your body, providing another technique to help you with your pain management.

Things You'll Need:

Access to biofeedback equipment


Biofeedback is a non-invasive technique that provides you with feedback in the form of sounds and or lights to let you know if you are actually relaxing the muscles. It works by placing electrodes on your skin (they do not pierce the skin). There are wires that run from the electrodes to the biofeedback equipment.


After connecting the equipment, find a comfortable position either sitting up or lying down. Begin by focusing on your breath. Breathe evenly and slowly in and out through the nose. With each exhale try to let your entire body relax more and more.


Once you are feeling more relaxed, begin to focus on the area of your body where you are experiencing pain. Try to breathe into that area and relax the muscles. Silently focus on a word such as "relax," or you can try visually seeing the muscle relax. Find a method that works best for you.


As the muscles relax, the lights or sounds from the biofeedback machine should lessen. If this does not happen in the first session, try to not get discouraged. Like any new skill takes time and practice, and some days are easier than others. The important thing is to practice on a regular basis. Eventually you will learn to consciously relax your body.


As you learn to relax with feedback from the machine, the goal is to learn to do this without the machine. You will eventually find that you get to a point where you will naturally become aware of when there is tension in the body and know how to let it go. Learning to reduce muscle tension in the body throughout your day will often help you to reduce chronic pain and become less victimized by your condition.

How to Manage Pain Through Breathing

How to Manage Pain Through Breathing

Pain management can be a tricky matter. There are many different types of pain, and many causes of those types of pain. In addition, there are various schools of thought regarding medication and pain management. For some, medication is not an option due to circumstance, cost or allergies. Regardless, there is an alternative to traditional medication that can help take the edge off various types of pain, and may be used at almost any time by almost anyone.


Position yourself in the most comfortable and relaxing seated position possible. This procedure may be done while lying down or standing, but it is most effective, safe and simple to do while comfortably seated. Position your body so your diaphragm can be fully filled with oxygen.


Close your eyes. It is easier to focus on relaxing and this breathing technique when there are no visual distractions. Clear your mind of all thoughts but those focused on relaxing and using this breathing technique.


Inhale very slowly and deeply through your nose. Try to fill your diaphragm. Place your hand over your lower abdomen where your diaphragm is located, if you need to in order to monitor whether you are filling it or not. If you can only fill your lungs, it is OK. The most important part of this step is to slowly intake a large quantity of oxygen.


Hold the oxygen you have inhaled for three seconds.


Exhale the oxygen very slowly and methodically through tightly pursed lips. The pursing action should not tighten the muscles of your mouth, but should form the tiniest of openings for the oxygen to pass through. As you slowly push the oxygen out, concentrate on relaxing all of the muscles in your body, particularly those located in the painful area of your body.


Repeat this process several times in a row--more if needed. Once the pain is relieved or at a manageable level, you may resume your normal breathing pattern.

Tips & Warnings

This procedure may also be used for relieving stress and anxiety.

This breathing technique can be adapted for discreet use at the office and during meetings in which you do not have to stand or talk a great deal. For those purposes, your eyes will need to remain open, and you will need to keep your mouth in a normal shape while you discreetly and slowly exhale.

If you become light-headed, stop immediately and resume normal breathing. If done correctly this procedure should not cause a feeling of being light-headed.

Do not do this procedure while driving, operating heavy equipment or during any other circumstance in which your focus needs to be completely on something other than this breathing technique. If you are in pain while driving pull over and park before attempting this breathing technique.

How to Manage Optic Neuritis

How to Manage Optic Neuritis

Optic Neuritis, or ON, is caused when the optic nerve becomes inflamed. This can be caused by diseases like Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus, viral infections and some medications. Whatever the cause, Optic Neuritis symptoms include sudden blurry vision, eye pain, foggy vision and changes in color vision. In some cases blindness occurs


Standard medicine advocates the use of IV corticosteroids to treat Optic Neuritis, however, there is no evidence this helps improve visual acuity after one year.


When having an acute ON flare, your eyes will become tired more quickly. Resting the eyes frequently often helps.


Increase the resolution on your computer screen or use voice recognition and text reading software. These technologies help decrease eye strain and pain.


Try a pair of polarized sunglasses, both indoors and out. Wearing polarized sunglasses blocks out extra light waves, making it easier for your eyes to filter and process light. Colors may become clearer and blurriness may be reduced.


Warm chamomile tea bags applied to each eye will help soothe your eyes and relieve pain.

Tips & Warnings

Optic Neuritis usually clears up on its own with in 4-10 weeks.

Oftentimes, ON is a first symptom of Multiple Sclerosis, so consult your doctor if this is your first attack.

Treat your eyes gently during a bout with ON.

Over the counter pain medications usually relieve eye pain.

How to Manage Menopause Symptoms Naturally

How to Manage Menopause Symptoms Naturally

Menopause doesn't have to ruin your life. Learn how you can help your symptoms naturally. You don't have to take those hot flashes lying down.


Try aromatherapy. Try
, chamomile, lavender, peppermint and sage. These scents would be perfect to enjoy while soaking in a warm bath. In addition to enjoying these scents in a bath, light candles around your home. Incense burners with these scents will also do the trick.


Use herbs that have a reputation for easing menopausal symptoms. These include Dong Quai, Black Cohosh, Chasteberry, Evening Primrose Oil and Saw Palmetto. Herbs can be taken in capsule form and purchased anywhere herbs are sold. GNC has a great selection and is sure to have the herb you are looking for. Always follow dosing directions on the bottles.


Steer clear of alcohol and tobacco. This should always be a rule, but especially during menopause as they can aggravate symptoms that are already difficult to deal with.


Eat hormone friendly foods. Try fresh vegetables, a few of the best being carrots, potatoes and broccoli. Also add nuts, beans, and almonds to your diet.


Consider Hypnotherapy is you are suffering from severe menopausal symptoms. Even making positive statements to yourself throughout the day can make a big difference. It may sound silly to do, but it has been proven to have benefits on one's state of mind.

Tips & Warnings

Talk to your doctor. There are lots of options for dealing with the symptoms and if something isn't working for you, ask for suggestions.

Always discuss home self care options that you want to try with your health care provider.

If you are considering combining herbs, make an appointment with an herbalist. They are experts on herbs and can advise if one will interact negatively with another.

How to Making an Electromagnet

How to Making an Electromagnet

Making an electromagnet is a very simple project. All you need is an iron nail or spike, some copper wire and a battery. So long as your battery works and you remember to only wrap the coil in one direction, you should have a working electromagnet. If you take a bit of extra care, you will get a fairly powerful magnet to play with.

Things You'll Need:

6-inch iron nail

Iron spike

Lantern battery

Single strand insulated copper wire



Wire cutters

Wire strippers


Get a core for your electromagnet. An iron railroad spike is good, but a 6-inch iron nail will work, too.


Use wire strippers to remove the insulation from the end of your spool of wire. Peel off at least an inch of insulation.


Leaving several inches hanging off the end of the core, wrap the coil from one end to the other, winding it as tightly as possible.


Attach the coil to the magnet. Use a drop of glue at each end or wrap the whole thing in tape.


Cut the spool of wire loose from the magnet, leaving several inches of wire. Strip the end of the wire as in step 3.


Attach the electromagnet to the battery. Put one of the exposed wires into the spring of the positive battery terminal. Touch the other end to the negative terminal to turn the battery on.


Pick up as many paper clips as you can at once with the magnets. Try to pick up other small, metal objects to find out what a magnet is attracted to and what isn't. Record your observations.

Tips & Warnings

To supercharge your electromagnet, use two wrappings of wire. Once you are done coiling the wire and affixing it to the battery, run it back to the side you started from and begin wrapping the battery a second time in the same direction.

Try changing the thickness of the wire. Thicker wire conducts better, but thinner wire lets you wrap more coils around the magnet. See which makes the electromagnet that can pick up the most paper clips at once.

Don't leave the electromagnet on when you are not using it as it will quickly wear out the battery.

Never turn your magnet on near electronic equipment. Magnets can ruin computers,
and many other things.